a. MK 1 (Multi-stage)
The Mk 1 setter is used primarily for multi-stage incubation, but the short versions can also handle single-stage.
Uniform temperature by unique ventilation
The wind tunnel system is the most efficient way to ensure uniform ventilation. and a very uniform temperature is obtained by always placing the older ·eggs under the fans, – thus exposing them to increased level of ventilation.
Maximum hygiene
The use of filtrated (Reverse Osmoses) water ensures that bacteria are not added to the humidity system. – a problem that exists with traditional disc-humidifiers.
Low maintenance
Trolleys and turning system are new constructed with Teflon bearings and without use of electric components- maintenance is therefore reduced to a minimum.
Divided in zones
The bigger setters are divided in individual controlled zones to ensure maximum temperature control for all eggs.
The modular construction of the LINCO setter allows making machines for almost any capacity required. Doors can be placed in the side or in the end of the cabinet, – giving endless flexibility in the design.
Minimum operation cost
The use of propeller fans in the LINCO machines ensures the electric consumption is reduced by more than 50% compared to alternative fan systems.
b. MK 2 (Single-stage)
Real single-stage incubation demands a special hardware design ultimate results in single-stage incubation are not obtained by using machines designed for multi-stage. The need for heating, cooling and ventilation is much bigger and the design must be capable of providing the necessary conditions.
Heating /cooling in every trolley
Mk 2 setter trolleys have a heating I cooling element in every trolley, – this ensures that the necessary cooling capacity is always present.
Short heat-up time
By real single-stage incubation all the eggs must be heated up in less than 8 hours to ensure a short and uniform hatch 3 weeks later. The LINCO Mk 2 setter can heat up 120.000 eggs from cold-store to incubation temperature in less than 7 hours.
Uniform temperature
Constant circulation of the water among all the trolleys in the setter ensures a very accurate temperature – maximum deviation of 0.3° F throughout the cabinet and without hot / cold spots.
No overheating
The cooling element in the middle of every trolley ensures that the produced heat is removed before it can influence the eggs in the next trolley.
Labour saving
With LINCO real single-stage setters there is no need for weekly rotations of the trolleys.
Low investment cost
Reductions in size of electric cables, switch-boards, stand-by generators compensates the slightly higher price of quality equipment.
Efficient ventilation
The fans are designed to ensure maximum ventilation at low energy cost Without any V-belt construction.
Stainless steel panels
The internal surface of stainless steel is highly durable and ensures a lifetime that is more than double as long as that of other brands. The stainless steel surface allows the use of aggressive disinfection chemicals.
Built-in cooling system
A special LINCO design makes it possible to get increased efficiency of the cooling system by placing the element inside the cabinet panels, thus making washing far easier.
No condensation of water
Having cooling in the entire panel surface, condensation of water inside the hatcher is avoided, and the dry floor does not promote bacteria growth.
Increased performance on reduced space
The special design of the LINCO hatcher makes it less space demanding than traditional equipment.
Compatible with other brands
The modular construction allows the LINCO hatcher to hold trays of most other brands of incubators, – a way of increasing the capacity without extending the hatcher rooms.